Teen Car Tracking Device:iTrack GPS Tracker Review

Teen Car Tracking Device : iTrack GPS Tracker Review

Driving is exciting, and it is what every teenager looks forward to, for them driving is not only a means of moving from point A to B but it is also an affirmation that they are maturing . During this time the teen is excited but it is usually a different story for parents. Parents find themselves within the roller coaster of emotions, sweet and bitter because they are excited and equally concerned about the safety of their kid on the road. I am hoping that this review on a Teen Car Tracking Device called iTrack GPS tracker will afford as many parents who will read this article some peace of mind while their teenagers are on the road.

Further within this article we will cover numbers of teenagers who daily loose their lives on the road. The statistics are horrific, and put a demand on  parents to pay full attention to details about their kids safety before they hand over the car keys.

What is iTrack GPS Tracker ?

It is a small device that you plug into your car’s diagnostic port to track the location of your car, to have instant access to the history of previous locations/ itinerary tracking, and to monitor the speed of your car even when your miles away 

You plug the tracker into your car and access the data from your smart phone ( Android and iPhone are both compatible).

In short iTrack GPS Tracker gives you real-time information about the whereabouts of your car the route it is traveling on, where it has been and the speed at which it is driving in, ensuring that you have the peace of mind about the safety of your car and your teen. I cant think of a better gps tracking for teenage drivers.

Who is it for?

Though this article is written with the young drivers in mind, everyone, young and old needs to have this tracker for safety reasons and to have instant access to necessary information, when need arise, hence it is safe to call it a car monitoring device.

The tracker is more relevant or should I say it is a Must-Have if:

  • Your parking lot is out of sight. 
  • You share your car with family and friends. 
  • If you own or manage company fleets.
  • If you tend to forget where you have parked.
  • If you want to monitor your or other drivers, driving habits and patterns
  • If you want to keep track of the car’s travel data 
  • If the idea of a car monitoring system fascinate you .

How does it work

  • You must have a smartphone (iPhone or Android), and a sim card with data.
  • Locate your car’s diagnostic port
  • Plug the iTracker device into a diagnostic port.
  • Download the iTracker app into your smartphone
  • Follow the instruction to set up an account 
  • Connect the app to the device.

With this kind of car monitoring system you can sit back, relax and monitor the movements of your car form your smart phone.

Teen Car Tracking Device:iTrack GPS Tracker



  • Affordable price (Once off, no monthly payments )
  • It is portable 
  • Easy to setup 
  • Work with any car built after 1996
  • You can register to receive alerts whenever your car starts to move 
  • If the car is stolen you can track it and alert the police about its exact whereabouts.  
  • It gives you updates on the health of the engine
  • It monitors the speed and engine mileage 
  • Enable to measure the revs on the engine
  •  It reports on unusual activities like abrupt acceleration, vibration on the wheels.
  •  Enable you to keep your young driver in check.

Get Your iTrack GPS Tracker For $99 Once Off

 Check the comment below from one of the users:

 ‘Was skeptical at first. I followed the semi-easy instructions to install the sim car and connect. It works well for me. Was impressed by how accurate stop locations were. It gave me an address, and google picture location. Speed travel blue line history of the day. So cost and service it’s a great buy!. You know exactly where your car or family is! In real-time! It has built-in batteries. Two thumbs up!’


None I am aware of except that you can at times be disappointed by the information of where your young driver, partner, or friend dashed to with your car.

You might have to be ready for some disappointments but this can never outweigh the above-mentioned benefits of this tiny device.

  Why you need iTrack GPS tracker 

If you still need some persuasion beyond what I have already highlighted, here are more reasons you need to consider this amazing technology for your peace of mind.

I know more mothers than I can count who more than once had sleepless nights about the whereabouts of their teen driver.

I also know of instances where a car got hijacked or stolen and it was never found, with the tracker you can intercept the thieves with the police on their track. 

I know owners of fleet companies whose businesses collapsed because their staff abused the cars.

If you do not want to fall victim to any of the above-mentioned calamities get yourself the itrack car GPS tracker plus you can currently and for a short while get it at a 50% discount.

 More reasons 

(Center for Disease Control & Prevention)

In 2017, 2,364 teens in the United States aged 16-19 were killed, and about 300,000 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes.1 That means six teens aged 16-19 died every day due to motor vehicle crashes, and hundreds more were injured. Check this article about facts about teen driving.

Final Thoughts 

It is the parents’ primary responsibility to keep their teen drivers safe on the road. Unfortunately, we don’t have superpowers, we might not be able to keep them safe from all dangers but we certainly can minimize the risk they face every time they get behind the wheel. 

Remember itrack GPS device is not only about locating the car but it also will highlight driver behavior on the road. When you are aware of some unwanted behaviors you can then address them before they turn fatal.

This is an all-time precaution against theft, accidents and mischief. This car tracker device offers you convenience by having all your information centralized within one app. You don’t have to search through emails or make calls to the tracker company but all you need to know, or be aware of, as far as your car is concerned is now right at your fingertips.

You can never mention best teenage driving monitoring devices without mentioning iTracker.

Good News – You get a 50% discount when you purchase one and get more discounts when you

purchase more than one device. Click on the image below to keep your Car and Teen Safe.

Teen Car Tracking Device:iTrack GPS Tracker


I would love to hear your thoughts, on methods you use or you think can work better  in keeping our teens safe on the road.

For more Insights on building a thriving relationship with your teen boy check this article on Parenting Teenage Boys

iTrack GPS Tracker




User Friendly







  • Affordable ( Once off Payment)
  • Easy to Set Up
  • Portable
  • Monitor Driver Behavior
  • Gives Updates on Engine Health


  • None

65 thoughts on “Teen Car Tracking Device : iTrack GPS Tracker Review”

  1. It is good to always keep a side eye on your teenager even though they don’t like you doing that, but for their own safety, you should be able to protect them. Driving is truly a sense of maturity for them, I agree, that’s why this iTrack gos tracker is very important, I’d love to get for my cousin’s car, he goes of for too long and I thought he way

    • hey

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. This Teen Car tracking device is the best way to keep the side eye on your cousin. You wont go wrong with iTrack GPS Tracker.

  2. This review on teen car tracking device is such a nice article.It is very true that teens are always over excited when they start driving which scares some parents. ITrack GPS Tracker is a nice device. its benefits are quite much and awesome. I have being in different situations of forgetting where i parked my cars. with the aid of such device like ITrack GPS Tracker it would be easy for me to locate my car

    • Hey Leslie

      It looks like this iTrack GPS Tracker is a must have for you.

      Thanking for coming over 

  3. I agree with you here that the rate at which teens are loosing their lives on the road these days is ever increasing and unless proper care is taken, it can only become worse. Hence, having something like this tracker would ensure that we can always locate them and know about their movement and whereabouts. Thanks

    • Hey Darmi

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. The iTrack GPS Tracker is one of the best precautions parents can take to ensure their teen safety .

  4. This is true, at an alarming rate is the way many children especially the teens are losing their lives on the road and I’m sure that nobody wants that for their kids and the only way we can probably put an invincible leash on them is by using a tracking device. This itrack gps seems like a perfect product to help out a watchful eyes on where our teen kids take our cars too.

    • Hi Jackie 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      Lets get this tracking device and reduce the number of fatalities

  5. Great device. There has been a rise in hijacking and teen human trafficking going on out there. This can really assist in minimizing the exposure to such. Mostly, parents can know when their offsprings hit danger zones on regular basis. This can help fast tackle issues like exposure to drug hotspots and protect their child from using such substances. My parents never let us hit the road without elderly supervision. I’m getting the device for my kids, they are just too excited getting their driver’s license and who knows what hey can get up to. 

    • Hey Candence

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      I am glad to hear that you are getting the iTrack GPS Tracker for your kids . That is a great precaution every responsible parents should take

  6. Car trackers are very vital devices that every car owners should have. Majority of the people who are victims of car theft are the ones who do not install this device in their car because no matter what any car with a tracker can be traced. The need to install this device cannot be overemphasized. I’d fully recommend it for anyone who owns a car.

    • Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. yes go ahead and recommend iTrack GPS Tracker to keep as mnay people ,especially teens on the road safe.

  7. Hello there , I’m really glad I stumbled on this amazing article on teen car tracking device , I really enjoyed reading this  nice article, it’s quite informative and highly helpful, and I do believe  that teens are always over excited when they start driving and sometimes it gets their parents scared. ITrack GPS Tracker is a very good device and it’s a much have and I eill definitely recommend it to my friends and family.

    • Hi Jack 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      This teen Car Tracking Device is a must have , It is the best precaution every parent should take before handing car keys to teens

  8. I’m not married yet or have a teen, but I think I will need to have this installed in my car. It’s very important. One of the features you mentioned about the car tracking device, like it can give health feedback of the car engine among others is mind blowing. It is also necessary in the case of car theft. Well, you did not mention its cost. I’ll go ahead and check it out.

    • Hey Kelvin 

      The iTrack GPS Tracker is a must have for the mentioned reasons . The cost is 99.88, I will highlight it within the article.

  9. Hello there! Thank you very much for dropping this article. I find the information dropped very very useful and I’m sure everyone would too so I’ll definitely share this with friends and family. Kids do get too excited while driving and this is the only way one can prevent them from going astray or getting hurt. The tracking device is also very easy to use, this is really technology at its best. I’ll definitely get one and come back with testimonies. Thank you. 

    • Thank you Sophie for stopping by The Incredible Boy. I agree with you that the iTrackGPS  is the only  best way to  keep kids from going astray due to driving excitement 

  10. Hi,

    From my research iTrack is a good car traker, you can install in your car to ensure its safety. It is a magnetic tracking system that has features that guarantee the security of your car all day long. The tracker sends out accurate location alerts whenever you require them. It is one of the few tracking devices that does not require a monthly subscription, you only have to pay a one-time purchase fee and install it in the car. You plug the tracker into your car and access the data from your smart phone Android and iPhone are both compatible.

    Thank you.


    • Hi Aluko 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      I think it is a great plus that you do not have to pay monthly subscription  to enjoy iTrack GPS Tracker.

  11. Hey, this is a good solution for my aunt. Her teen son has been nagging to let him drive independently, but she afraid that my nephew isn’t mature enough to drive by himself. This GPS tracker will be helpful to track his movement, and I may want to buy one for myself. It’s easy to forget where I parked when visiting shopping malls. Thanks

    • Hey Alblue 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      Hahahhaaaa,It can be frustrating and embarrassing to forget where you parked your car. This iTrack GPS tracker will be a life saver for you and your aunt. All the best.

  12. Hello there, car theft is very common where I live and I have actually lost a car to these people and I felt really pained for not having a tracker of even and insurance on the car. After getting a new car I thought its best to get a good tracker and this is one very good and quality tracker that I have seen so far. I’m impressed with its features and the ability to tell the state of the car engine is simply wonderful 

    • Hey Lawson 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      And I am sorry to hear of your sad experience. By all means invest in a good quality GPS tracker like the iTrack tracker . You wont regret . All the best.

  13. This is an incredibly useful device, I love the idea of having control over my car at all times! I’m often worried if I park the car in a remote parking lot and have to leave it there for a long time. There are so many car thefts and with this device, you can easily track where the car is. I also have a step-daughter in the teens and although she doesn’t have a driving licence yet, it will come handy when she has one. I’m glad I found out about this device. 

    • Hi Lenka 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      I am glad you found value. With a lot of car thefts every way the iTrack GPS Tracker is a must have.

  14. Thank you so much for a great review of the ITrack GPS Tracker. It is basically a teen car tracking device that tracks teens through their cars. Although this tracking device is used for youngsters, it can be used by everyone to ensure the location of your car. I have used this low-cost tracking device in my car and I am very impressed with its features. Finally, I have read and enjoyed your article so I want to publish on my social media to let people know about this tracking device if you allow me.

    • Hey Arma

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      I am glad that you have personally experienced the iTrack GPS Tracker 

      And yes go ahead and lets spread the news to safe a teenager out there. I will appreciate the sharing 

  15. Those statistics are terrifying! It doesn’t only happen to teens but people in general because I have seen a lot of reckless drivers along the years who don’t care about speed or anything around them. This tracking system does fit perfectly for those parents out there who are scared of their child’s safety. One thing I really like is the fact that you can actually see in real time the speed that the car your monitoring is running at; that alone makes it really worth the purchase along with the location tracker. 

    • Hey Stephanie 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      iTrack GPS Tracker has very good and interesting features like the one you mentioned ‘ Seeing 

      real time the speed that the car your monitoring is running at and off course the location tracker.

  16. Hello, I agree, it is scary when we have a look at statistics about teenagers car’s accident, and as a parent, I know that I can avoid worrying for my daughter, but thanks to this device that can help every parent to have in time the information about the car use. At the banking Institution were I used to work, all the bank’s cars have a GPC tracker and the security of the bank monitors the cars all the time for all the issues that you highlight here, high speed, location, parking, the risk of thieving, etc. In many time that I was travelling for work ( I followed branches and agencies), I get calls from security to remains the driver that he was driving too fast:)).

    I think that a GPS tracker is a good investment to have peace of mind about the car and when it used by our teens, too.

    thank you for sharing


    • Hey Alketa

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      I agree fully the GPS Tracker is a great investment for parents peace of mind.

  17. WoW! I never even knew such a thing existed. Its worthwhile to attain and anything that makes your life easier is worth gaining! Its great for security and safety reasons and easy to use, simply by checking your phone – no matter where you are! You never have to worry about your car and reassuring tool to grasp! 

    • Hey Farah 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      Life is really made easy with this iTrack GPS Tracker . Monitoring the location of your car wherever it is is great for our peace of mind 

  18. A 99Usd, one off payment for a car tracker of this type is a good one. Ability to track your car at any time and within your convinience is important. Especially those of us with teenagers and support staffs. My driver can be highly irresponsible, with my car tracker I was able to check his excesses 

    • Hey Parameter 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      I am glad you found value . I agree with you $99 dollars once off payment for this kind of tracker its highly reasonable, plus iTrack is the best in convinience .

  19. The car tracker is an excellent device for monitoring use of your car. You have pointed us in the right direction, to buy the tracker and use it to track our teens. When you give your teen your car you just dont get settled worrying where they have gone to, what they are up to and wondering if they have lied to you. This is a good device to monitor if our kids are now responsible. Thanks

    • Hi Energhy 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      I am glad you see value in the iTrack GPS Tracker , it can really help us to keep our tees safe on the road .

  20. I think ITrack GPS is a great tool. 

    And I agree that not only teens but anyone can use it and take advantage of what it has to offer. Also for parents, it is a good tool to track the movement of your kids to keep them safe or just to be at ease knowing where they are.

    I really like the fact that it is compatible with cars from 1996. I love vintage cars and I know that it is not always easy to get GPs that work with it.


    • Hi Adyn .

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      True the itrack GPS tracker is helpful even beyond the teen age anyone can use it for the safety of their car.

  21. We have finally come to this point where we can track our kids. Teens will be teens after all and this device can surely make us have a piece of mind. Car accidents is surely the number one killer. I agree that this device is useful for anyone not just for teens. I have to admit, I always forget where I park lol Thanks for the itrack gps review. I will check it out. 

    • Hey Nuttanee

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      Unfortunately we are here , we have to track kids.LOL. Luckily we have handy devices like iTrack GPS Tracker to help us, we are in the same group I do sometimes forget where I parked .

  22. I can’t believe this cool gadget exists.  This will certainly ease any parent of a new driver.  God I can’t imagine 30 years ago having this as an option for my parents.

    I do also love the idea about being able to track the car if stolen, or even if you happen to lend out your car.  Not that I think that everything needs to be tracked, but this seems very much a reasonable idea.

    If I had a teenage kid, I wouldn’t certainly buy one, but of course not tell them about it.  I absolutely love technology, so this just completely blows my mind. Awesome product and great review.

    • Hey Coralie 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      I agree with you, this is such a cool device to help us track our cars, especially with our new drivers . iTrack GPS tracker is that device that can give you the peace of mind when your teen is on the road.

  23. Wow thank you for your iTrack GPS Device! I think this will be useful for both drivers and pedestrians. I never used it but I think that this is an improved version of many GPS we have today. All you have to do is have a smartphone and here you go! Though I’ve been disappointed sometimes with GPS in France, I am ready to try this one. Thanks!

    • Hey Angel

      I am certain you will enjoy this one. Enjoy the new and advanced tracker.

  24. This device is quite useful and I could take lots of worries off my mind if I had one. For the information that it gives, I find it quite affordable. When I think of the many time when they have left, and should have been home by a certain time and we  don’t have a clue as to what to do. The only small con for me is to convince my son that is mainly for his safety and not to pry into his social life. I guess it would mean a balance between respect for privacy on one hand and security and peace of mind on the other. Thank you for this introduction.

    • Hey JJ

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      I hope that you will  win to convince your son that installing l the iTrack GPS Tracker is for his safety and for your peace of mind. 

  25. Thank you Bogadi for a great article. I don’t have a teenager, but I am the grandmother of three, and they are getting close to the teenage years with the oldest being 10 years old. The IT GPS Tracker is a great idea, and being a grandmother, I will be sharing this website with my son and daughter-in-law so that they can give it a look.

    I am all about the safety of our children, and remembering back when my child was a teenager, it was pure fright on Friday and Saturday Nights, when he was out with his own car, I would of loved to have a Teen Car Tracking Device back then.

    Great post and I will be sharing as well as talking with my son about.

    • Hey Bobbi

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Thank you for sharing the article , lets keep our kiddos safe on the road. 

  26. Having such a portable device to help track one’s car as a teenager sounds amazing. This will make things very easy and convenient in a situation of finding your car after your teenager friend or relative, as the case may be, zoomed off with your car. Seeing how useful this little device is, I think it would be helpful for adults and parents (and maybe grandparents) also.

    • Thank you Nelson, for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      I like the point you are raising here and I never looked at this car tracking device that way. It can still really be helpful even when it comes to our grandparents, Just to be sure of their whereabouts whenever they are out driving by themselves.

  27. What a fantastic review of a brilliant device. I have tracked my kids phones just for piece of mind. I don’t keep an eye on them all of the time but if they are late or anything I always know that I have that little bit of security. When they learn to drive in a few years this is definitely something that I would be thinking about. I don’t know how keen they would be on the idea though. Great review on a great product.

    • Hi Sofia 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      Our peace of mind is very important, and this car tracking device guarantees that.lol

  28. This is an interesting device and it seems really easy to use.  My experience growing up was many, many decades ago and tracking where I was with their car was not possible for my parents.  They had to trust that I went where I said I was going.  If they found out I didn’t, I lost the use of the car.  So for me, this device involves two issues. One is safety.  Its important to know where a young drive is if they don’t get home on time and in other situations.  The the other is privacy.  I am thinking of suggesting this device to be used as my oldest grandson begins driving.  His parents I am sure will discuss these two issues.  I have sent your link to my son.

    • Hey 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      I am glad you fond value in here.

      The iTracck GPS Tracker will give every parent  some peace of mind.

  29. This is such a helpful and life saving device! I love that it can not only track the location of the car in case of any car theft happens, but also the speed because this can definitely help parents around the world to monitor the driving habits of their children. So many people have lost their lives on the road, and I am happy to see a product that can help people of all ages when driving. It’s also great that this can report on unusual activities of the car, it helps us see if there are any problems from the car that we should be worried about. 

    Thank you for your in-dept article here. Keep it up and i’m looking forward to seeing more of these soon! 

    • Hey Joe

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      This teen car tracking device is what both and parents really need for their peace of mind. The iTrack GPS can be trusted.

  30. Love the idea of having a tracker in the car. My teen is not quite old enough to drive yet, but this will definitely be handy when she does start. It is scary looking at the statistics of how many 16 – 19-year-olds are killed on the roads, and the problem with some youngsters is they don’t think about dying, and some are thrill-seekers, which is why they sometimes go too fast or drive under the influence.

    I also love the fact that you can track your car if it gets stolen, provided the criminals don’t find the tracker and throw it away. Is it small enough to hide somewhere so it is not so noticeable?

    • Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy .

      I am glad you found value as you get yourself ready for the years ahead when he will be starting to drive. He will find you ready the iTrack GPS Tracker.

  31. This is a brilliant device that everyone should buy.  

    It is a small price to pay so that you can have the assurance that your car is safe and know it’s location at all times.

    It is particularly good for young drivers, as they will know that that they will have to drive sensibly, or will loose access to the car.

    Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    • Hi Geoff

      I agree that this Teen Car tracking device ITrack GPS Tracker is is actually for everybody. It is just an extra bonus for parents for parents to have it for the cars driven by their teens because it can give them some peace of mind.

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy and for engaging me on the Teen car Tracking device  

  32. I really liked this car tracking device. And despite all its features, it comes at a very affordable price. You gave me quite a laugh when reading the negative stuff about this tracker. I agree with you that we may, at times, be disappointed by the information of where our young driver, partner, or friend dashed to with our car.

    • hI Paola thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy and engaging us on Teen Car Tracking Device

      I am glad you found value and some laughter. Yes you must be careful because the ITrack GPS tracker can make you see what can give you some heart attack.

  33. Wow, this is one amazing piece of device this is the first time that I have heard about such a device but I am sure that many parents will be happy to know that even if their child is not home you can keep track of them. I believe that every parent should have one of them this is really amazing. I must share this information. Thanks again


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