Scribd.com Review:Personal Development For the Entire Family

Scribd. com Review : Personal Development for the Entire Family

I am a personal development enthusiast. I believe in the adage ‘If you are not growing you are dying’ Personal development is a continuous process, one is never too old to develop himself or herself, neither are you ever too young for growth . The big question is how do we develop ourselves? I know no better way to personal development than reading hence I will be reviewing SCRIBD.com in this article.

What is Scribd

It is the largest digital library. What started as a site to host and share documents is now known as Netflix for Books. It is a subscription service with about one million books, hosting 60 million documents according to Wikipedia.

Scribd gives its subscribers amazing options of magazines, books, audiobooks, documents, and sheet music. It is the best place to get access to the greatest minds, experiences, and stories

It was co-founded by Trip Adler and Jared Friedman

SCRIBD covers a variety of topics across different categories i.e Personal Growth, Crime, Science fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Business, Travel, Non-Fiction, Fiction, parenting, family, romance, politics, entertainment, children books, cookbooks, travel, and more.

If you are a music lover, you are also covered with unlimited sheet music selections.

SCRIBD subscription gives you access to articles from hundreds of magazines including People, New York Magazine, Time, The Atlantic, People, Entrepreneur, Bloomberg Businessweek, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, and more.

Why should I Choose Scribd?

Just the thought and possibility of having a library in your pocket should be a reason enough to choose SCRIBD. SCRIBD is a kind of library you pull a book form when you find yourself in an unexpected queue. It offers you personal development convenience while commuting. From wherever you find yourself, you always have a company of great minds, literally inspiration at your fingertips.

From experience, what I like most, is that you don’t have to subscribe for every member of the family. One subscription covers us all, kids and adults. I use Scribd for read-aloud time with the kids, I use Scribd to gain insights for my blogging, parenting, coaching clients, and for growth in different areas. My husband uses it for his studies and personal development, our 5th grader uses it to develop his passion and interest in animation and to enjoy comic books. There is no limit to what you can find for your personal growth on SCRIBD. There is always something for everyone.

How does it work

1. Sign up here for a 30 days free trial.

2. Enjoy the books, audiobooks, magazines, documents, and music in various categories without limit.

3. On the 28th day of your free trial decide if you would love to keep or cancel the account.

4. If you keep the subscription your account will be debited with $8.99 on the 30th day. If you decide not to continue you can easily cancel your membership. You should cancel 24hours before the last day of your free trial. You have an option to just pause or end the membership. Whatever you decide, canceling or pausing, go to account settings on the SCRIBD dashboard, scroll down and click on pause or end membership.

5. The best decision that you can make for your family is to continue with the membership, if you take this route, ensure that you download the SCRIBD app. Downloading the app will enable you to download your favorite reads to enjoy them offline.

However if for whatever reason you cannot download the app you can always access the platform online by going to www.scribd.com

Common Questions

How many books can I read each month? – As many as you can.

What countries can I use Scribd in? Scribd is available worldwide, Imagine going on a vacation with a library loaded with thousands of books that can accommodate your at the moment mood.

Who is it for?

  • Avid readers
  • Students of all levels
  • Lovers of audiobooks
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Parents
  • Leaders
  • Travelers
  • Those who love reading while commuting, waiting in queues or on vacations
  • Not only for readers but for publishers also


  • SCRIBD gives you a personalized experience- when you sign up they ask a few questions that will enable them to recommend relevant books. This does not mean you cannot have access to all other books.
  • You can download PDF’s for printing or reading offline.
  • You read without adverts interruptions
  • You can easily use bookmarks to track progress
  • The audiobooks audio is perfect.
  • The price: You get more than you pay for

Scribd Additional Perks

Scribd has partnered with few companies to add more value to your subscription.

Peak Pro

Normally $2.99/month .Free with Scribd. Flex your cognitive muscles with the most popular brain training games.


Normally $10.99/month Free with Scribd. Watch classic, independent, and award-winning films from around the world.

Curiosity Stream

Normally $2.99/month but free with Scribd. Dive deep into your favorite science, technology, nature, and history documentaries and be inspired.

CONtv + Comics

Normally $6.99/month.Free with Scribd Everything for your inner geek from anime, and B movies to Transformers, Star Trek, comics, and graphic novels.


Normally $3.99/month. Free with Scribd. Unlimited read-to-me children’s storybooks and bedtime stories for kids ages 1–9.


  • SCRIBD unlimited access claim has been questioned due to the reported throttling of high demand books.
  • I have come across a few complaints about subscription cancellation struggles.

My Experience With Scribd

I have been using Scribd for more than a year now, and as mentioned above I use my account for the entire family, from my subscription all our personal development needs are met.

I have read and listened to books without limit. At the beginning of my subscription, I think I paused my membership twice without any struggle.

My kids love it and they can easily access the books they want to read or listen to from their gadgets. I can confidently say it has made personal development inexpensive and easily accessible for us.

What I like to do with the kids, is if there is a subject that needs to be addressed and I do not know how to address it, I simply search for a relevant book, get everyone involved to read a chapter I already scanned, and create a great learning and open-ended discussion about whatever it is. In simple terms, if you want to talk about money, sex, puberty, conflicts, emotions, stress, hygiene, or health, an easily accessible book can give you a great point of departure, enriching your learning experiences.

If you are still wondering how is Scribd review relevant to  a website about Parenting Boys, check these books all available with unlimited access.

Scribd.com Review : Personal Development for the Entire Family Scribd.com Review

Scribd.com Review

Scrib.com Review





My Final Thoughts

I am an advocate of raising life long learners. One of my biggest passion is to cultivate and nurture kid’s love for learning. SCRIBD has been a very useful tool in helping me accomplish this mission.

Yes sometimes I do miss holding a real book, and if I have to, I can still spoil myself with one or two books from the bookstore, in the meantime, I will enjoy the ultimate reading convenience SCRIBD brought into our lives.

If you know that your budget cannot cater for everyone’s personal development needs at home SCRIBD is on a rescue mission.


Related Articles 

Best 10 Books for Teen Boys: Grooming Boys to Love Reading 





User Friendly









  • Personal recommnendation
  • Unlimited access
  • Get more than you pay for
  • Audio on audio books is perfect
  • Easy to navigate


  • Struggle to cancel at times
  • Throttling of On Demand Books

55 thoughts on “Scribd. com Review : Personal Development for the Entire Family”

  1. Hi Bogadi, 

    I have heard of Scribd, but didn’t know it provides so much value to the lives of people who are subscribed for their services. Thank u for this enlightening article. 

    Your review is all the more important as you have been using this service and speak from personal experience. I will surely start the free offer and take it from there. I hope the premium service is not too expensive. 



    • Hey Aps

      Thank you for stopping by .Hope you enjoy your new journey with Scribd. The premium amount is 8.99,I stated it in the article.


  2. It is a good thing that you shared this article, it is really interesting tobrea through and I’ve been able to make some reasonable amount of information out of it.  I really like scribd and I’ve read quite a bit about it, I love reading books and I’d love to subscribe to the site with my family.

    • Hi J

      Thank you for stopping by. And enjoy your journey with scribd 

  3. Thank you very much for your detailed discussion of the largest digital library like Scribd. There is nothing that is not included here that you will need to read. You don’t have to pay any money in the first place to read in this largest library, of course, you have to pay a small amount from the second month which will cost you a lot more to acquire knowledge. From my actual experience, I have been a member of this platform for about six months, from which I have collected various types of books and gained a lot of knowledge without any hassle. So I would say that those who are new to any subject should definitely join this platform and learn a lot from it.

    • Hey Arma 

      Good to hear about  your experience with Scribd. At least I know I am not alone there . 

  4. I have learned from this information. Scribd is really great offering all that you mentioned in this post. Since readers are leaders, I will look into this and very soon, I’ll become a member. Hard copies may not be convenient attimes but with this library, I will be covered anywhere anytime and anyhow 

    • Hey Elizabeth

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. Hope you enjoy your journey with Scribd.

  5. Really enjoyed reading this review. Very good content, well laid out and I liked the pro’s and con’s.

    I have heard of scribd before but didn’t really know what is was, it would be something I’d be interested in, especially for when I’m on holiday. Love the fact that the whole family can be on one account as well, seems very reasonable for the price especially with all the added extras.

    • Hey Katie

      Thank you for stopping by the Incredible Boy 

      I am glad you found value and hope you enjoy your journey with scribd, will be waiting to welcome you on board.

  6. Hey Bogadi

    I am definitely going to try out this free trial.  I am so thrilled someone else is addressing the matter of raising boys in this post-modern era. What I have read from your work is inspiring, I believe it can be more affective hearing it from a female with boys like yourself. keep up the great work!!

    • Hey Coach JC 

      Yes go for a free trial, nothing to loose at all. Actually with Scribd you have more to gain. 

  7. This is literally the first time I am learning about this platform and I think it will be really good for me and my colleagues in school to be able to use it. Scribd has so much books that would be good for me to read. During this lockdown, I used other sources to get books that I read but it will be good to use this one you shared here. Thanks!

    • Hey Jackie

      Thanks for stopping by. You will surely not go wrong with Scribd. Go for the 30 day free trial . you will thank me later.

  8. Hello there bogadi, I have heard about scribd but I never knew it provides so much value to the lives of people who are subscribed to to their services, and I love the fact that scribd has a very useful tool in helping to accomplish this mission, I really enjoyed reading this amazing article, it’s highly informative and very interesting, it’s just what i have been looking for all this while , thank you for sharing this enlighten information. 

    • Hi Jack

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
      Start your journey ( free trial) with Scribd and enjoy the adventure.

  9. The world is definitely changing. We now have digital libraries. Having access to hundreds of thousands of books through your device is just excellent. The subscription amount sounds reasonable. Gone are the days when as children we had to make a trip to the library. Now its at the click of a button. Just great. I am going to try Scribd out for my family.

    • Hi Energy

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      Gone are the days , No more Library trips just a click of a button is good enough to access great minds through books. Scribd is worth exploring. Tons of eBooks, audio books are easily accessible .

  10. The idea of ​​having a library in your pocket is fantastic. Otherwise, I like to take a book in my hands and read it, but time goes on, and today these books are available through smart devices, and the development of technology needs to be taken advantage of.
    I really like this Scribd based on your description, and I will check out the site.
    I also agree that we need to evolve and grow all the time, and as a lover of reading, I know that there is a tremendous amount of wisdom, knowledge, guidance, encouragement, and motivation in books.

    • Hey Nina 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Yes with Scribd you always have your library at your fingertips. Enjoy your journey.

  11. Hello Bogadi! thanks a lot for this detailed review, its very interesting to read and also really Educative. This is like a mobile library, you can take it anywhere you go. Its really nice. You’ve said everything here, you didn’t leave out anything and this makes it a well detailed article. Thanks for dropping this. Something that made me love it also was the pro and cons dropped. Nice content Bogadi, you’ve done well.

    • Thank you Philebur for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      And Thank You for your kinds words. Yes Scribd is a mobile library.

  12. Hi Bogadi, thanks for your review on Scribd! Much appreciated! I hadn’t heard of Scribd until I came across your post. I was just thinking to myself I need to be reading more to help me with my blogging, so your article is right on time. Scribd is reasonably priced too, I must at least start the free trail! Thanks again Bogadi.

    • Hi Cece

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. Scribd helps me a lot with my blogging so I will encourage you to go for it. All the best .

  13. I’m glad I’ve come across your review about Scribd. It’s really amazing how much it offers for such a small amount of money. I mean, an unlimited amount of books for reading, just that is great. But I love that you can also watch movies you would have pay for in addition, and here you can have them for free. My boyfriend and I also love documentaries, he loves watching documentaries about war and I like to travel and science. It seems like a perfect platform for us.
    By the way, I’m also a personal development enthusiast! 

    • Hi Lenka

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. I am glad you found value. With that price there is no excuse why people cannot read as they desire. Scribd made personal development easily accessible.

  14. Thanks very much for your review article on Scribd. I have not heard about this before until today. I am not much of a reader but rather a writer. My Wife on the other hand loves to read and hence, I WILL tell her about this. Reading gives us knowledge and with knowledge, power. I also like your comment at the beginning ‘if your not growing you are dying!” I liken that to, “IF you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the WRONG room!” Great article written by you!

  15. Thanks very much for your review article on Scribd. I have not heard about this before until today. I am not much of a reader but rather a writer. My Wife on the other hand loves to read and hence, I WILL tell her about this. Reading gives us knowledge and with knowledge, power. I also like your comment at the beginning ‘if your not growing you are dying!” I liken that to, “IF you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the WRONG room!” Great article written by you!

    • Hey John 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy  and for engaging me on the Scribd review. I am sure your wife will have a great time with unlimited access to over a million books, ebooks and audio books

  16. Hello there,thank you for sharing this review on personal development for the entire family. This is my first time of hearing and coming across a library like Scribd.I love reading and also my family members. i definitely love to be a member of this platform and also subscribe my entire family to this site too

    • Hey Lesilie 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy, we are about Intentionally grooming our boys to be Incredible Good Men.

      I know no better way to achieve that without empowering ourselves . And reading is one of the best ways we can achieve that. I am glad that in our age we have a digital library like Scribd that makes empowerment for the entire family possible.

  17. I have been an avid reader. But I want the same for my kids. And I see with concern that nowadays kids read less than we did when we were their age. So that’s why I am so excited about Scribd. I like that we can test drive this platform for free for a month. So it’s a no-brainer for me. Thanks for introducing me to Scribd.

    • Hi Paolo

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy, we are about Intentionally grooming our boys to be Incredible Good Men. 

      Warm Welcome to Scribd . You and your family will enjoy your Personal Development Journey .

  18. I can also testify to the usefulness and benefits of this great digital library – Scribd. I have used Scribd a number of times for getting books to assist me when I am writing projects, carrying out researches, or finding solutions to an assignment, and it has proven to be very helpful all these while. I think subscribing to Scribd is a decision no one will regret.

    • Hey Kelvin

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy, we are about Intentionally grooming our boys to be Incredible Good Men.

      I am glad you can attest  to the information in here about Scribd as the best digital library .Lets keep growing 

  19. I actually signed up and subscribed for scribd when I was writing my thesis in school. And honestly, it was one of the best decisions I took then. It was just perfect for me and I was able to do virtually all the things I did due to the resources I had with scribe. This is honestly a good one you have written about them. Thanks

    • Hey Darmi

      Thank you for Stopping By The Incredible Boy 

      I am glad you experienced what I am talking about. Scribd is very resourceful in many ways and it is a must have digital library for all families .

  20. It’s great to have a library in your pocket more especially that things are moving digital now. I like how Scribd touches on most searched topics like romance and parenting to mention a few. I have never used the platform, first time hearing about it here. They should really improve the support when it comes to subscription cancellation. Nonetheless, I see the platform being a promising one to find good content regardless of the niche. Nice article. 

    • Hi Candence 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. Digital library is a way to go, especially for this generation that prefers gadgets than books. Scribd is a timely answer to those who read on a go 

  21. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this elaborate and well detailed review on scribd. I have heard of scribd before but didn’t really know what is was, it would be something I’d be interested in, especially for when I’m on holiday. What I have read from your work is inspiring, I believe it can be more affective hearing it from a female with boys like yourself. keep up the great work. Thanks a lot 

    • Hi Sophie 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Scribd works like magic when you are on holiday. Having a library of different books  easily accessible in your phone is just amazing 

  22. Hi,

    From my online findings scribd.com review personal development for the entire family is an audiobook and ebook subscription service that is rapidly gaining popularity. However, to those new to the world of audiobooks, Scribd may be unfamiliar, even if it offers good value for money and a comparison with other similar digital reading subscriptions.

    Thank you.


    • Hey Aluko 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Scribd offers good value for money over 1 million books with less than $10. I  have not come across a parallel platforms.

  23. Yeah, I quite agree. Personal development is very necessary and it should not be overlooked. Why? Because our brain needs it. We need to exercise it on a regular by reading. Doing physical exercise is not just enough for the overall body building. Scribd seems like a nice choice and definitely, I’ll take advantage of the 30 free trial.

    • Hey kelvin 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Enjoy the 30 days scribd trial

  24. Learning while on the go is pretty amazing because in a lot of cases we have so much time on our hands that we could use in a productive way and this is a good device or tool that can help in so many ways. Someone once said never stop learning because learning never stops. This device is so amazing, thanks so much for sharing.

    • Hi Norman 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      I agree with you Scribd is the best way to learn on the Go. If we cannot incorporate  learning into our daily lives then we are never going to learn because we are always busy. 

  25. The major library where I go for study is pretty far from my home and I had to choose Scribd. I’m a music lover, a novel reader and publisher and Scribd has been helping my work go easier and faster.

    Even in my next world, if I’m to choose, I’ll choose Scribd because its the best. Thanks for sharing this article, its my pleasure to go through it.

    • Hey Evans 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Happy to hear of your pleasant experience with SCRIBD,  I am with you, I can choose scribd again if I have to.

  26. I am just like you. I love all the aspect that can help me improve as a human being. I love that quote that if you are not growing you are dying, I felt like I read it somewhere. Anyways, thanks for sharing about Scribd with me. I love reading and this is exciting! It is very affordable. I am going to check out the free trail first and take it from there. 

    • Hey Nuttanee 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      I promise you wont regret to have Scribd digital library at your finger tips everywhere. it is so empowering to have access to the many books Scribd makes available to us .

      All the best, let me know how it goes with your trial.

  27. I want to start reading more books without having to buy a physical book each time so the idea of a digital service for this is very appealing. I’ve heard of Scribd. Com before but didn’t realise there is an option for a free trial. It’s also great to hear that you can get audiobooks as well because I like to use these when I’m doing jobs around the house.

    • hi Emma

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      If you love the idea of reading without always having to buy books then Scribd is your platform. You will enjoy variety of books at a minimum cost . 

  28. Thank you so much for this post and also I say a thank you to the initiators of Scribd. With an e library which guarantees the teaming readers of books of their interest, I think making research with be lot more easier. I so love the idea of Scribd as I can get information even without going to a formal library. Thank you so much I will take out a special time to always visit your website to know to learn more.

    • Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy Gideon 

      Scribd is an amazing platform I highly recommend that you check it out .


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