alt =" Shifu Orboot Earth, A boy holding a tablet over the world globe"

Shifu Orboot – The world at your finger tips.

Shifu Orboot- What is that ?

It is an augmented reality stem toy that enables your precious bundle of joy to travel the world at the comfort of your home, yes you heard me well, travel the world safely  by himself but next to you. Shifu Orboot brings the globe to his finger tips. If you are like me, desiring to raise global citizens then this stem toy will add great value to your kids and surely to yourself.

I find it very timely and relevant during this worldwide pandemic. We all or at least most people I know like traveling, some like my family had plans to travel before covi19  erupted. While waiting for things to settle down and dust off our passports  Shifu Orboot is the comfort we need .

The Benefits

Shifu Orboot is a fun and interactive stem toy. It nurtures an inherent adventurous spirit within every kid.It helps
to build their knowledge of the world in a way no geography lesson  can.

It is the best way to explore the world’s different monuments, cuisines, cultures ,inventions, animals and maps, without much harm to the pocket. It lights up their imagination like no other. The beauty of seeing them learn while they think they are playing is heart warming.

This stem toy is recommended for kids between  4-12 years of age, the amazing part is that , the app tailors the information to the child’s age and level. The smile it puts on their little faces when they see and experience their favorite animals, interact with them and feed them is priceless.

Is it  African safari, Eiffel tower, Ferris wheel,Great hall of china …..? they are all at your fingertips.

How to use and enjoy the product .

You receive the globe, the passport, the visa stamp and a booklet full of sticker flags of different countries You then have to download the app from your app store. .

When the app is downloaded the fun can begin. The child can now go on an augmented reality journey around the world.Using the app the child must  pick and focus on any part of the chosen continent,choose what he want to see from that part of the world , he can choose from cuisines,monuments, animals ,culture,inventions,maps and weather.

After visiting any country of choice, stamp the passport to indicate you have visited the particular country , additionally pick the flag of the particular country from the sticker booklet and stick into the passport, choose your next destination and enjoy the world traveler.

Product  Features

The box comes with

  •   Spinning globe
  • Passport
  • Visa stamps
  • Flags for different contries in a booklet
  • A detailed help guide.
  • App should be downloaded from the app store.
    • The app explore 400+ highlights and 1000+ world facts        


The Good

  • User friendly
  • Accurate detailed directions
  • The app is easy to find, install and navigate
  • The globe rotate easily
  • It is a beautiful room deco.
  • Once the app is downloaded you dont need a WIFI.

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The Bad

  • No country borderlines
  • Comes with one passport.Its a challenge if you have more than one child.

Who is the product for ?

The product is for curious kids between  ages of 4 – 12 .It is  also for parents and teachers who want to supplement their geography, history, environmental Science lessons with something fun and engaging

Final Thoughts

Thinking of how long it took me to try learn and make sense of tons of geography lessons. Even after years of sitting behind the desk I can never have a comprehensive understanding of the world that is brought by owning a device like this .

Augmented reality is the future of learning. It helps students understand complex concepts faster.Because of its interactive nature it keeps the learners and users engaged and interested, It makes real time learning accessible and available any where and anytime. With Shifu Orboot you  are assured of his comprehensive understanding of the globe in no time.


Shifu Orboot




User Friendly









  • Detailed directions
  • Easy to rotate
  • Easy to navigate
  • Beautiful room deco


  • No country borderlines
  • Comes with one passport

44 thoughts on “Shifu Orboot – The world at your finger tips.”

  1. this is great, children can be educated about various topics from around the world in an interactive way. It is easy to say I wish these had been around for my children. However this would have been loved by my daughter, now it may be something to get for my granddaughter, when she is a little older.

    • Thank you for going through this review. No regrets, lm sure your grand daughter will love it. 

  2. Wow, what an exciting and terrific way for children to learn about the world.  I remember being given a heavy book, “we learn about other children from different countries”, it was hard going but probably the best at its time. It became interested in travel and have travelled a lot.  

    But wow, this Shifu Orb*ot looks amazing for today´s child. And as you quite rightly say, incredibly timely. You mave made it sound as if it is a “must have” for any child.  Understanding different cultures is a way to help overcome barriers and this toy sounds as if it can be done in such a fun way. I will be recommending this to my children to get for my grandchildren.  A pity that borders are not shown, but perhaps that is a benefit as it will encourage the child the think of people in the world to think in terms of “one” community.  Thank you for sharing this blog.

    • Pleasure @Trevor and thanks for your time,

      Yes Shifu Orboot is a must have for today’s kids.

  3. Hey there this is an amazing review you have got here. i am sure that the quality information in this post will be o  of great help to anyone who come across it , Shifu Orboot comes across as a good learning tool that takes advantage of the augmented reality to help children learn about the world around them. I hope the app will keep adding new elements and more layers thanks for sharing this with me

  4. Kids entertainment is really on the buy list in these stay at home lifestyle times. Plus online shopping provides that immediate buy decision without venturing into dangerous shopping environments and touching every toy we can find.

    This comes under entertainment as well as education and certainly keeping those little minds busy.

    Becoming an Amazon seller is easy and this is just one product from a huge range.

    Peter H

    • Lets keep the young minds engaged ,educated and entertained .

  5. What a fascinating concept of having your child expand their knowledge and learn new things and cultures while from the comfort of your own home, even I’m intrigued by this toy! This can be such a helpful tool during the times that we’re currently living in. You can not only spend some quality time with your child but at the same time help them learn something new.

    • Thank you Stephanie.

      It is more needed now than ever .

  6. I really like this concept. I would like my child to be aware of the world early on. And with toys as this one, it would be entertaining for them to learn about the globe we live in. I don’t mind it doesn’t have the borderlines of countries. I see it has stickers with all the flags and they can check out cool features of each country on the app. I’ll buy this one for my baby.

    • Thank you Ann, this will be a great gift to him/her. It will throw him ten steps ahead in the understanding of different cultures and countries.

  7. You are so right the timing could not be better. This is the best tool in an app I have seen for todays kids in a long time. I love that you can travel virtually. It simulates the mind and plants a lifetime love of learning and travel. I hope Shifu continues this.

    • Thanks  for stopping by. 

      Truly great timing to travel virtually, learn different cultures and countries. 

  8. Hi, Bogadi,

    Wow! That’s so cool! I wish I had had a toy like that lol. I’ve always been a little nerdy.

    I think it’s great that toy manufacturers make toys like this. Kids need something to entertain themselves and learn at the same time. The market is already full of violent games. We need something different, and this does the trick.

    This toy is great to help develop the kid’s cognitive abilities, not to mention it’s a great way to create some bonding between kids and their parents.

    I just checked the price and it’s not that expensive. The only thing I don’t like is it only includes one passport. They should include more.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you Enrique for coming over.

      I agree that, this can be one of the greatest way to bond as we learn with our little ones. 

  9. Wow, Shifu Orboot is an awesome educational toy for kids to have. I’m right with you on your final thoughts. I wish I could of had this when I was young. I probably would’ve understood my geography better.

    What a way to get kids interested in the world we live in. I’m definitely getting this for my friends granddaughter. She’s turning 4 soon and this would be a perfect gift for her. Thank you for sharing this.

    • Hey SJ. Thanks for coming over. This will sure be a precious and resourceful gift for the little girl. 

  10. The Shifu Orboot is an excellent way of getting to learn; Not only the child; Adults can also learn from the product; On various topics from around the world in an interactive way.

    My ‘Granddaughter’ would love this product. An appealing and excellent way for children to learn about the world; Books are great, (I love books) however can be cumbersome, and can get torn easily.

    Brought up in the UK; At school; Never told about the country I came from at school; This product would have been of excellent value (at that time) when I was ‘younger.’ A fantastic product; from what I can see!.

    • Thank you Joe

      Make sure you get it for your granddaughter it will be a great gift. 

  11. woah, this is one great toy! it is the perfect way for children to learn about how travel works in a way and still have fun while at it! The shifu orboot seems like a must have in every household with children, it seems fun and really interactive! i like how they have made an app to ease the process. very cool

    • Thank you Abdul for checking in.

      Shifu is sure a must have for every household. Learning and fun Intergrated. 

  12. It is very good to have this information, making our kids have the best fun they could is really important, as much as we want them to be Sharp and brilliant, they should have fun too, so this shifu orboot  toy is a good one for children, it’ll make them know what it looks like to be adventurous. I really like it.

  13. This was such an excellent and informative experience and I’m really glad that I came across this article as I really learnt a great deal from reading it. I like the way you gave an in-depth and comprehensive review of the topic which you spoke on and I was completely enraptured by it. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and insightful article.

  14. Quite an interesting one to see here. Surely, being able to actually nurture our kids in the knowledge of the world and what surrounds it makes a lot of sense here. Thank you so much for all you have shared here. In all fact, I am really very delighted to see all these here. I will definitely try to get this for my daughter, interesting one

    • Thank you Nath

      Your daughter will love you for that.Go ahead and get one for her.

  15. Hey, this is a really good educational toy. My nephew missed traveling so badly, so this toy can be very useful to spend time with him. Even I personally want to experience this augmented reality traveling 🙂 Does all country include in the package? I’m thinking to buy two of them: one for my nephew and one for my family. Thanks

    • Hey Albue 

      Thank you for stopping by the Incredible Boy.

      Yes all the countries are included. Enjoy traveling virtually with your nephew .

  16. Actually my seven-year-old does not consider geography as one of his key areas, not with him getting confused often with whether California is in the United states, or the other way round. Well it seems technology like Shifu Orboot can help him imbibe this knowledge faster. I really appreciate your article on this.

    • Hey Daniel 

      Thank you for stopping by 

      Get him/her sorted with with Shifu. He will get the facts straight soon .

  17. A thoroughly informative website about a product I knew nothing about. It was engaging to read, contained pictures and a very clear and tidy review section which caught my eye. It’s nice to see lots of comments and its shows many visitors to the site have an opinion on the content. I loved it.

    • Hey thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Shifu its an amazing interactive learning toy for every child to explore and enjoy the world.

  18. Hi,

    From your article, shifu orboot is an augmented reality stem toy that enables your previous bundle of joy to travel round the world at the comfort of your home, it is fun and interactive stem toy, it helps to build others knowledge of the world in a way on geography lesson can do.

    Thank you.


  19. Wow! remarkable product. Thanks for sharing Bogadi.

    This will be a great gift especially for kids during this pandemic.

    Now, I don’t have to crack my brains what to buy for two of my friend’s kids.

    It sure looks fun and interesting, personally, I think all kids will love it. 

    As always, I enjoy reading your article so very much. Such an in-depth and complete information is really invaluable to the internet community as a whole.

    • Hi Rick

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      I am glad you are enjoying your stay here. and finding value .

  20. Well, I never knew anything about this before but it seems like a good one for the kids to travel the world even when they are just in a single spot. I like it and I feel it would be very nice for me to try to get it fov my little son. He is just two years old though. Don’t you think he is too small for it?

    • Hey Syd

      Thank you for coming over

      Shifu Orboot is a must have , i believe it is also good for us adults. But for your two year old , check this article on Christmas Gifts for Toddler boys,I hope you get something you like there.

  21. I agree that there may be some few borders to fix, but I like the general idea behind it. And I think my nephew who is in 1st grade will enjoy the adventure. Now, because I have 4 nephews I will have to buy 4 of them, which can become a bit pricey. I wish they had one that a group of kids can enjoy together.


    • Hey Adyn 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      I really think if they are all at the same place they can work together, forgetting the passport issue.

  22. This looks like an excellent toy for young children. They will play and learn at the same time. It looks very educational as they learn about the world, the globe, and different countries. They will even learn about using the passport, visas, and choosing places they like to visit. This is just good for kids. The price is very reasonable. Thanks

    • Hey Energy 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      . Shifu Orboot is a definite exposure to young minds.

  23. Wow what an amazing gift for children! I just checked the price and it’s absolutely insane that is not more than $54! Though shipping to Serbia is $150 🙁 
    I have some birthday boys these days and this could have been a great present. But the shipping is way too much. 
    I will bookmark this link and order as soon I am back to the States! 🙂 

    Thanks 🙂 


    • Hey Sunny 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      This price is truly insane, I  couldn’t believe it too.


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