
How to raise emotionally intelligent kids : Emotionally Stable adults is our goal

It is always said that parenting does not come with a manual. Parents around the globe have more questions than answers and one of the dominating questions in parenting streets is How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids? Every adult desires to raise kids with a good EQ. So before we navigate different sources to answer … Read more How to raise emotionally intelligent kids : Emotionally Stable adults is our goal

Chore Ideas by Age: Why should kids have chores?

Why should kids do chores

Chores, Chores, Chores there is an unending debate about this subject in the parenting streets. Parents are always asking questions, seeking answers on this subject. Questions like, should my kids do chores? why should they have chores? How do I know which chores are age-appropriate? How do I avoid conflicts caused by chores? Should I … Read more Chore Ideas by Age: Why should kids have chores?

How to help kids with self esteem : Why you need to be Intentional About Your Son’s Healthy Self Esteem

how to Help kids with Self Esteem

Positive & Healthy Self Esteem can be a determining factor of whether your child will successfully navigate and prevail against all curveballs life will throw at him. Its importance cuts through the quality of the relationships and friendships he will have, it will affect his success in academics and sport it can even negatively affect … Read more How to help kids with self esteem : Why you need to be Intentional About Your Son’s Healthy Self Esteem

How To Teach Kids Critical Thinking Skills : A Must Have Skill.

How to Teach Kids Critical Thinking skills

‘Education is not the Learning of the Facts but the Training of the Mind ‘ Albert Einstein We are living in such a dynamic world , everything changes within seconds, the unfortunate part is what we are teaching our kids today would not apply or be relevant tomorrow, What then should we do to ensure … Read more How To Teach Kids Critical Thinking Skills : A Must Have Skill.

Valentine Ideas For Boys – Teaching Our Boys to Love

Valentine Ideas For Boy

Valentine day is well known for love celebration, especially romantic love. Love is undeniably a sweet thing that worth to be celebrated. The objective of the article is to present the importance of taking our celebrations beyond romantic love . I see it as an opportunity to teach our kids especially boys, how to express … Read more Valentine Ideas For Boys – Teaching Our Boys to Love


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