
Valentine Ideas For Boys – Teaching Our Boys to Love

Valentine Ideas For Boy

Valentine day is well known for love celebration, especially romantic love. Love is undeniably a sweet thing that worth to be celebrated. The objective of the article is to present the importance of taking our celebrations beyond romantic love . I see it as an opportunity to teach our kids especially boys, how to express … Read more Valentine Ideas For Boys – Teaching Our Boys to Love

Teenage Personal Hygiene – Teen Boys Can Smell Good too.

"Hands washed under an opened water tap ,with a poster on top written Teenage Personal Hygiene"

Amongst a few things that give parents sleepless nights especially with their teen boys, it is teenage personal hygiene. Most parents feel hopeless when it comes to their adolescents hygiene habits. I don’t want to claim that I have answers but I am writing this article to open a conversation about this important matter in … Read more Teenage Personal Hygiene – Teen Boys Can Smell Good too.


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