
4aKid: One Stop Online Shopping Platform for kids.

An arrival of a new born is a most exciting time in all households. From the day parents receive the news they are pregnant, minds start getting wild about the things that we will need from the first day at the hospital, all that we will need for baby care, nursery ,feeding accessories and more. It is at this point that I recommend 4aKid Online baby shop to most parents, who will love to get everything in one place.


What is 4aKid ?

4aKid is a South African  online baby shop. They  sell baby proofing items, child safety products, kids clothing, toys and trendy baby accessories, making life easier and simpler for parents. They also offer goodies for pregnant moms . There are plenty products to choose from suitable for  baby showers and your baby’s, toddler or child daily needs. They pride themselves in innovative & good quality products as well as exceptional personalized service at all times.

4akid was established by Alley Cohen a mother of two. Her vision and priority was child safety . All the  products, tools and resources you will find at 4akid are to make life easier, simpler and safer for children and their parents.

Below are different categories that you can browse through at 4akid to get your desired high quality products.

Final Words 

4aKid is surely a one stop platform for your babies needs. Not only that, I am glad that they also have some goodies for mom and dad. This is a kind reminder that we shouldn’t just take care of our babies and neglect ourselves. 

Nurturing kids especially newborns can be challenging so we fully embrace platforms like this one and any form of external support system to ease the load of taking care of our new bundle of joy.

Are you a South African?, Do you perhaps know of other online platforms that covers all your babies needs in one place?. Kindly recommend them in the comment section below.

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20 thoughts on “4aKid: One Stop Online Shopping Platform for kids.”

  1. Hi dear

    I am not in South Africa but I like the concept of this 4akid platform. It covers a lot of what parents and babies need. I just wish they could deliver in my country that would have helped a lot of people.

    I do shop on aliexpress for most of my babies’ needs but I am never able to get so specific products easily, I usually have to browse for hours. But here everything is easy to find.

    Thanks for sharing

    • Hey Adyn 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      Yes 4akid offers the best of convenience

  2. Hello there thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece  of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of. Nice to see that this platform has so many categories one can pick from to order goods

    • Hey harry 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      Yes the different categories makes 4akid a one stop platform for all things kids.

  3. I am not South African but I’m very intrigued by this idea and website. Smart idea to have a platform to offer the safest products for child safety. This helps make gift giving so much easier for those who are wondering what to get for a small child (or what their parents may prefer in the home). 

    • Hey Aly 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy

      4akid surley makes gifting a small child or even the mother during baby shower very easy.

  4. Hello there, What a nice and interesting review on this shopping platform for kids. In this our period, a baby’s parent shouldn’t be stressing herself to go outside to a store and look for things to buy. Online is the best way such numerous items that you might not see. The part I love most is the fact that they have items for moms and dads too not neglecting the parents. Thanks a lot for sharing this article.

    • Hey Rop

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      The mom and dad category is my favorite when I visit 4akid . Lol.

  5. Great list Bogadi,

    Christmas is coming next month and I have no idea what to get, so great to see your choice of varieties! 4Akid has a lot of choices which I never thought of and I’m surprised as to how affordable they are too, especially the part where they convert to RM since I’m in Malaysia, it helps me decide better. Does it do international shipping?

    • Hey Riaz . Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.

      I am not sure if they do International Shipping, but I will verify.

  6. Hi, Bogadi! I am not South African, but I think the website is what parents need. As parents, we all want to give our babies the best. Websites like 4akids can satisfy our wishes and save our time. I have also recently been writing about kids’ products on my website: Greatop10, like Top 10 Baby Products You Should Never Buy in 2021. Maybe you will be interested in it. Thank you!

    • Hey Sam

      Thank you for stopping by the Incredible Boy

      Glad to know you are from SA. Yes 4Akid website is a must know for every parent.

  7. Hello there! Oh wow, this is a great resource. I have a lot of baby shower events that I attend and I sometimes have a hard time coming up with great gift ideas other than the usual diapers, toys, and clothes. But your page contains items I haven’t thought of yet. I’ll be referring this website to a couple of friends too. Thank you for this.

    • Hey Mike 

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy 

      I am glad you found 4akid website very useful and even willing to share it with others.I greatly appreciate that .

  8. Well, thank you for recommending 4aKid. My cousin lives in South Africa and he’s trying to search for trusted children’s needs online shop. Is it a marketplace? If so, I hope their online reviews can be trusted. From what I hear, there’s a lot of shady business who inflate their rating and reviews to attract and scam customer, especially to boost sales during this pandemic 🙁 

    • Hi Alblue

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy and checking 4akid One Stop Online shopping platform

      I have made purchases there several time and I am sure is not a scam. Thank you

  9. I’m impressed with how much 4aKid covers. The range of products available on their platform is vast and carefully curated to meet any parent’s needs. And I am even happy to see they don’t leave the dad or the mom out. Nowadays when most of our shopping is done online, it’s nice to have this option available. Thank you!

    • Hi Ann. Thank for stopping by The Incredible boy and checking our 4kid : One Stop Online Shopping platform for kids.

      I am glad you found value.

  10. I have a new nephew in the family and I love the concept of 4aKid.  Do you happen to know if the products aren’t just sold from South Africa, but also made in South Africa?  I also am wondering if they do international shipping.  I would love to get one of these gifts for the little guy and his parents.

    • Hey Max

      Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy and engaging me on the 4akid article .

      I will check if they do international shipping and revert back to you.


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