Does the idea of personalised book tickles you? Imagine the smile on your babies face when you read to him the story book with his name in it , It can be the story about his birthday or it can be a Christmas or a bed time story, Wonderbly personlised books can make all that possible.
If your child has read tons of stories, coming across a storybook with his name and storyline about him, will be heaven on earth for him.

Thankfully Wonderbly exists to make such dreams a reality.
What is Wonderbly?
Wonderbly is an online personalized children’s book company. Since 2013, Wonderbly has committed itself, to inspire the next generation of brave, imaginative, book-loving kids – one personalized story at a time.
Their best selling books has inspired over 6 million children and grown-ups around the world. Your child can be next.
Wonderbly has books under three categories
0 -3 years
3-6 years
6+ years
Books across all categories are loaded with life-shaping lessons. What makes the lessons powerful and interesting is that, the reader to his shock discovers that he is the main character. Can you imagine that?
Some of the common themes across different books are :
- Stay Positive
- Everyone needs a good friend
- See the best in people
- Find your true self
- Anyone can achieve great things
- One Child’s trash is another child’s treasure
- Follow your dreams
- Be brave
- Do your best with whatever you are given.
What difference does a personalized book make?
1 Teaches Empathy
Empathy is about being sensitive to, the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of the next person. As main characters they get to live through and see themselves throughout the story, experiencing different feelings and thinking different thoughts. They get to experience what being a hero feels like, they have to solve problems, to love and support others
2. Develops the love for reading
Who wouldn’t want to read a book about himself? And when he starts reading it, what are the possibilities of not completing the story book when you are the main character, the hero. When kids hold such books they can hardly put them down, they get so engrossed within the story, living no room for boredom .
3.Develops confidence and sense of accomplishment
The hero-like feeling is unmatched, it gives kids the feeling that they can achieve and they can be anything. They see themselves loving, conquering, solving problems, and adding value. The stories inspire them to reach their fullest potential. Unnecessary mental limits crumble down as the child sees endless possibilities of who he can become.
There is an interesting scientific evidence that support the use of personalised literature. Check it here
- Get kids excited about reading
- Opens the child’s eye to unlimited possibilities of who he can become.
- Helps kids to understand life and others better
- How do I make a personalized book?
None I can think of, or I have heard of.
Process: How Do I get My Personalised Book?
Browse through the amazing Wonderbly collection of different themes from birthdays to Christmas, bedtime, and just pure adventure.
After browsing, choose the book and Wonderbly will put your child right inside the story,
Choose their character and write a heartfelt dedication message & everything will be woven together into a unique custom book with your child as a starring.
Once you’re happy with every detail, enter your payment information and tap the order button. Your personalized book will arrive on your doorstep in 7 to 10 days.
Costs: How much are Wonderbly books?
The price ranges between $5.99 and $29.99, depending on the story and the format you choose. The hardcover format is pricier than the softcover format
Just remember to check out the discount & coupons page to see the latest book offer.
Except for Children’s books, What else does Wonderbly offer?

- Mother’s Day Books
- Father’s Day Books
- Personalized sibling book
- Personalized family book
- Personalized Christmas card
- Personalized birthday card
- Personalized coloring sheet
Final Thoughts
If I can always have my way, I will give only personalised gifts. There is something authentic and beautiful about a personalised gift. It speaks volumes about the giver. It tells me about the efforts s/he put in putting a smile on my face. It works magic for adults, how much more for kids. These are memories that can never be forgotten.
For more amazing gift ideas check:
- Christmas Gift Ideas For Teenage Boys
- Gift Ideas For Preteen Boys
- Christmas Gifts For Toddler Boys
- The Best Christmas Gifts for The Entire Family
My grandchildren would be absolutely delighted to receive a book with their name in it. It makes it so personal and special for them. A lot of children need encouragement to read a book and this would be a superb way of achieving that. I think it is a great idea and I thank you very much for bringing it to my attention.
Hi Lisa
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Wonderbly personalized books is a perfect gift for every child, especially when you want to encourage the love for reading.
What a cool idea! I created a few personalized books for my wife some years back; these weren’t story books, but just general appreciation books and were so awesome and loved. For a story book, that is amazing and I think can really show to the child how much they are cared for! The prices are very fair as well! I’ll certainly bookmark your page to use Wonderbly in the future!
Hey Jayness
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
That was so sweet of you, Wonderbly will make things easy for you ,Story books for the entire family.
Such a great idea for anyone with kids in their life! I had a book that featured me and Barney haha! I was so obsessed with it and proud of it I took it to school to share it with everyone! Books for kids have definitely advanced since I was a child though. I love the idea of themes like finding your true self and be brave. It’s SO important for kids to learn that in a world that is trying to stray them otherwise. And I agree, I can’t think of any cons either!
Thank you for sharing!
Hi Haley
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
I am glad you can relate, personalized books are a wow for every child. And wonderbly takes the game to the next level.
I love this idea and definitely will be adding it to my children’s birthday list! I have been looking for gift ideas with my sons birthday coming up and I think this is just so unique, I can’t wait to see his face when he sees his own name in it! He’s only 3 so at the age where we like to read him bedtimes stories still, and this would be a great addition to his collection, thanks for recommending them! 🙂
hey Sophie
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
I am quite sure that the Wonderbly personalized book will put a smile on you son’s face. Enjoy .
This is an interesting concept for sure, where one can add a name to a storybook to make it about someone you know! I think this is going to really blow a child’s mind. It’s also great that Wonderbly offers this feature with stories that are inspiring. A really great combination and very thoughtful by Wonderbly.
Hey Clark
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Wonderbly is the way to go for a personalized stories for kids. Great gifts!