When I came across the concept of Positive Parenting, the first thing that came to mind is, is there negative parenting? and the answer is a big and resounding Yes. I have been that kind of parent and I have come across a few.
This happens without any particular intention from the parent, sometimes we even think we are on the right track, when in fact we are screwing our kids up. Hence I believe that the need for parental education should be taken seriously.
I bet if I were to become a president I will make parental training compulsory and a prerequisite to childbirth.
I believe its time to demystify the myth that parenting is intuitive and comes naturally, the truth is there is a ‘ How to Parent’ we need to educate ourselves on the ‘How To’ if for nothing else for the good of the next generation.
Having said that it is important to learn from the time and tested systems, with a track record of positive impactful results. We need to learn from people who have walked the path and conquered what we are struggling with. I have come across a few experts in the field but my heart resonated with Amy McCready’s teachings and personal testimony from her parenting journey.
Who is Amy McCready?
Amy is a recovering yeller, who is bold to admit that she used to yell to the point of her throat getting sore. That led her to research tools and strategies for positive parenting. What she discovered is that yelling, nagging, and threatening do not work as a parenting strategy.
She then went ahead to study got certified in positive discipline and she harnessed her skills as a trainer at fortune 500 companies to create the curriculum that we now call Positive Parenting Solutions.
Since 2004, Amy has changed over 75,000 families on 6 different continents all by teaching the Positive Parenting Solutions tools. I am one of those who was positively impacted my Amy’s teachings.
Amy is also the author of the book ,If I have to Tell You One More Time and The Me, Me, Me Epidemic!
Experience Amy in the video below.
What is Positive Parenting Solutions?
It is a self-paced 100% online course. The course is made of a 7-Step Parenting Success System. The system promises to help you tackle your biggest power struggles at their roots, ensuring you solve them once and for all. I can attest that the system delivers well on this promise, within such a short period it is unbelievable.
Included in the course are:
- 36 easy-to-implement parenting tools
- 24/7 access to 49 in-depth training video sessions
- Advanced modules for extra-tricky issues
- Handy Parenting-in-Your-Pocket mobile app for learning on-the-go
- Digital Workbook with additional reading material
- Compassionate support from parents who have been in your shoes
- 1-on-1 LIVE help with our Certified Parenting Success System Coaches
- Access to years of personalized coaching call recordings
- Lifetime Access so you are prepared for any issues that arise as your children grow
- Gold and Silver members have access to comprehensive Survival Guides and Battle-Tested Blueprints for those extra tricky situations.
- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
What will you Learn:
Step 1 – Pull Back the Curtain: The Science of Misbehavior and How You Contribute
- Introduction to the PSYCHOLOGY behind troubling behavior
- BIRTH ORDER and why it matters
- How YOU CONTRIBUTE to misbehavior and how you can stop
- Single MOST IMPORTANT TOOL in the toolbox – begin seeing results in 1-2 days-
Step 2 – From Complaining to Contributing: Empower Your Kids to be Confident, Capable, and Independence.
- Tools to give kids POSITIVE POWER
- Why REWARDS don’t work and what to do instead
- How to guarantee CHORES get completed
- The inside scoop on ALLOWANCE
Step 3 – Revolutionize Your Routines: Regain Control, Let Go of Guilt
- Tools for the most challenging POWER STRUGGLES
- How to master morning, after school, and bedtime ROUTINES without fuss or fights
- A comprehensive guide to implementing CONSEQUENCES without you being the bad guy
Step 4 – From Power Struggles to Peace: How to Handle Extreme Behaviors in a Positive Way
- More IN-THE-MOMENT TOOLS for the most challenging power struggles
- How to fill bottomless ATTENTION buckets
- Strategies for BACKTALK, badgering and negotiating
- How to deal with REVENGE BEHAVIOR
– Step 5 – Transform Sibling Relationships: From Enemies to Besties
- Tools to reduce SIBLING RIVALRY
- How you unknowingly escalate COMPETITION and what to do about it
- How to stop playing REFEREE so your kids can work it out
- Your game plan for when FIGHTING gets physical
- Effective CONFLICT RESOLUTION tools for all ages
- Strategies for LITTLE KID FIGHTS
– Step 6 – The Family Harmony Tool: Calm the Crazies, Fire Up the Fun
- The most effective tool for family PROBLEM SOLVING
- How to increase EMPATHY in your home
- Tools for building your kids’ LEADERSHIP capabilities
– Step 7 – Your Future Success: Staying Strong Through the Ages and Stages
- How to AVOID THE BACKSLIDE into old habits – nagging, yelling, punishing
Gold and Silver members have access to comprehensive Survival Guides and Battle-Tested Blueprints for those extra tricky situations. Read more about them here .
Who is the Course for ?
It is for you If:
- You want to feel calm ,confident and in control.
- You are constantly disappointed at yourself for yelling at your kids
- If you tried some other forms of discipline like Count to 3, time outs, etc but failed.
- You have kids that don’t respond to your calm request and instructions.
- You are experiencing bedtime and routine struggles.
- You want to know how your personality influence your children behavior.
- You desire to raise kids who are responsible and respectful.
- If you hate the mother/father you have become.
- If you feel defeated by this parenting thing.
How much does it Cost ?
The course is divided into three levels of membership , so the cost is determined by the membership level you sign up for. There is a 10% discount and an automatic upgrade to the next level if you sign up through Amy’s free webinar . You can sign up for the free webinar here to enjoy the two mentioned privileges

Personal Experience
I have learned a lot in a short while, I still have a lot to cover but what I learned so far has changed my perception about many things parenting.
In summary, I learned four principles:
Principle 01
Child goal is to achieve a sense of belonging and significance
Significance meaning I am capable, I make a difference, I contribute in meaningful ways, I have personal power
Principle 02
Every Behavior is goal-oriented
Principle 03
A misbehaving child is a discouraged child ( The understanding is that children do be better when they feel better and I guess you would agree that the principle applies to adults also.
Principle0 4
My personality might be encouraging unwanted behavior.
This was mind-blowing for me and I got to understand it better after taking the assessment that revealed to me how my personality and parenting style encourages some of my kid’s behavior.
Principle 05
Mind, Body and Soul time
This is about spending at least 10 minutes of your time with each child individually to fill their attention bucket, this guarantees to cut down attention-seeking behaviors
Beyond these principles, one of the super great tools that I scooped from Positive Parenting solutions that I cannot afford not to mention here is the 5R’s to fair and effective consequences. These principles just turn you into that parent you desire to become. Good news: you can learn about this, during Amy’s free webinar where you can even qualify for a 10% discount on registration and an automatic upgrade to the next level of the membership course.
Final Thoughts
Let me echo what I said at the beginning of this article, parenting should not be approached casually. It should also not be totally left to our intuition although there is a place for that. How we parent should not be left only to what we learned from our parents, there is still a place for that but I also know many people including me , that do not want to parent, the way we were parented.
Most parents are not bad parents but are untrained parents. Knowledge is power and can revolutionize your parenting.
Give Positive Parenting Solutions Course a chance , you have nothing to loose , if it does not work for you, there is a 30 days, no questions asked, money back guarantee. Click on the link below for a free webinar
We all would love to Raise Our Boys To Be Good Men and educating ourselves on the ‘How to go about that’ will be the greatest investment of our time and money.
Do you have any questions or comments ? Would love to hear from you in the comments section below.
As a parent, we all should have access to information like thus here ax they would help shape us better into becoming a better parent and focusing a lot more to determined e what works and how to relate better and build better relationship with our kids while still maintaining our grip as parents. Surely a good one here. Thanks
Thank you Darmi for stopping by The Incredible Boy.Positive parenting solutions training is what every parent should know about for better parenting
Every parent wants to be a better parent by the day but the truth is that there’s no way we wouldn’t make mistakes. What I’d like to say and to tell every parent know is that this is real life and like in real life,mistakes are inevitable. There is no perfect parent. We can only strive to be better. Great tips you gave here. Nice post!
hey Jackie
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
I agree with you no one should even try to seek to be a perfect parent because such does not exist in real life. Positive Parenting Solutions is just there to help us be better at the parenting game.
Hello and thank you for this article. Although my kids have left the nest, I could not agree with you more that this is a GREAT opportunity for others who parent to study. I have always been a believer in positive reinforcement for our kids. A good sense of belonging is also important so they know they are loved. There are too many parents out there that have kids and only parent based on what THEY learned and that may not be healthy. Good article!
Hello and thank you for this article. Although my kids have left the nest, I could not agree with you more that this is a GREAT opportunity for others who parent to study. I have always been a believer in positive reinforcement for our kids. A good sense of belonging is also important so they know they are loved. There are too many parents out there that have kids and only parent based on what THEY learned and that may not be healthy. Good article
Hey John
The need for parental education can not be overemphasized. I think Positive parenting solutions is easily accessible and the cost is affordable.. There should not be any excuse to lack of training
I’ve heard about the Positive Parenting Solutions course and looking for some more information, I’ve found your review. Looking at the prices, it is quite reasonable when paying monthly, I think almost everyone can afford that. The amount of people who Amy helped looks impressive, it is a proof that her method must be working. I’ve also found out that yelling and nagging don’t work. However, it’s usually just the first thing we do when we are stressed out. This course looks really like a good solution.
Hey Lenka
Thank you for engaging me here
Amy is such a graceful teacher. She impacted a lot of people through the Positive Parenting Solutions course.And I believe many still need this course.
I am Glad you are aware that nagging and yelling is not productive.
I think whether or not it is true that there is no ‘right way’ to parent as most people are prone to saying, or that there is not set guidelines and rules, I think it’s agreeable that these principles you have mentioned here apply to every parent and child and anyone who adheres to it will gain a modicum of success in raising a good child.
Hey Sean
Thank you stopping by The Incredible Boy
Children are different ,thus there is no specific way to parent but I believe there are basics on how to parent and that should be learned.
Positive parenting is such an important concept, so thank you for sharing this awesome review.. Becoming a parent for the first time is so exciting on the one hand, but for me it was also very scary as I felt I had no training. A child wants to feel safe and loved and if we can encourage them in what they are doing (as long as they are not harming anything) it will help to build their confidence.
This course on Positive Parenting Solutions looks fantastic. Shortly after I became a mother, I read the saying “having you hugged your child today” and even I am now a grandmother, I still practice it.
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. Yes Positive parenting solutions is crucial for every parent.
Parenting can be scary and exciting. We need to do our best to get ready for this huge responsibility.
Wow. How I wish your article was published since when I was a teen and my dad got to read through this, I could or rather we could have had awesome lives as teenagers in our home. All through my teenage-hood including my siblings have being kind of uncomfortable each time my dad comes home usually for a visit(He’s job takes him away).
He always find fault to what we do and he always refuses to take correction. He’s like Mr. Know All. To him, he feels that children should be corrected and not the parent. It made us dislike him. So we were always closer to our mom than him. But now, it’s a past. Each time we think of our dad and how we were when we were little, we always laugh.
But like seriously, parent need to educate themselves. It’s very important for the future of our kids. Sometimes, our behaviors towards them whether knowingly or unknowingly really have effects on them. When kids are treated badly, they’ll grow up to become stubborn and bullies, and vice versa. In fact, this is a must for all parents and aspiring parents. I’ll definitely consider subscribing to this course.
Hi Kelvin
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
I really feel.for you and many other kids in your shoes.Like I said most parents are not bad parents but are untrained parents
This makes.Positive parenting solutions training a must for all parents and aspiring parents
Raising a child or children is not easy, especially if both the kids and the parents are temperamental. Its easy to lose control and lash out on children but guess what? What the parents do to their children, the child once they become an adult will in turn do to their own kids and it is a vicious cycle. I think the course suggested by the author have some real good points and merits to parents, child or both that have uncontrollable temper. Great info for parenting.
Hey Rey
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
Positive Parenting Solutions Course is sure a good remedy for temperamental parents. It guarantees the peace of your home in no time.
Taking a positive approach in your everyday life will always be a WIN-WIN for everyone. Offering parents
Positive Approach Solutions that help them become a better parent is a game-changer. Our children expect their parents to have all of the answers, and as parents, we don’t have all of the answers. Your online course offers parents solutions. I feel the online courses you offer are an excellent option for busy parents. They can work thru the chapters at their own pace.
Hey Kelvin
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
I agree that Positive Parenting Solution course is a game changer and the fact that you can do it at your own pace with the life time access is a cherry on top.
The course sounds very interesting! Although my children are now all young adults, this might be something I can recommend to them as they begin their own families. I think it’s important to start children right from birth. However, I have seen some good results from parents changing their parenting techniques even with teens.
Thankfully, I had great parenting teachers–my parents probably fit the positive parenting style, though many years before it was created. I know we made some mistakes along the way, but thankfully, yelling and negativity were not among them.
I’ll be sharing this post with younger parents. Thanks for providing such a detailed review.
Hi Diane
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy, we are in the business of raising boys to be Incredible Men.
I am glad to hear that you had a great parenting experience. And thank you for sharing the article.
Although I am not a parent yet, I believe that parenting is the hardest “job”. Positive parenting seems a great course for all the parents out there and I will definitely recommend to my friends that are parents. Amy McCready seems like the real deal for the new parents and for the ones who are not sure how to behave around their kids.
Hey Baki
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Thank you in advance for sharing the article. Its great that you are reading this article before you can become a parent, you now have an ample time to prepare
Thank you, this is such great information to know there is a positive parenting course out there. My cousin has a 2 years old son who misbehaves almost all of the time. She doesn’t know if it’s something wrong with her parenting style (she is quite strict) or caused by other factors. I will send her your article and the free webinar link. Hopefully, it can help her.
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
I am certain the Positive Parenting Solutions course will be helpful for your cousin.
Good post.
I agree that parenting is an important undertaking. I also agree that shouting doesn’t work at all. The child just learns to tune it out and in time they just shout when they have demands.
10 minutes a day though is not enough attention focused on a child. I totally disagree with that one. They learn from the people around them, especially very young children. Constantly talking to them to engage their interest and doing things together is important. Young children like to help and should be encouraged to do so.
As a mother, hands on grandmother and recent great grandmother I have had some experience with children. So far listening, talking and playing together, guiding gently and giving lots of love has worked well.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that everything is a learning curve, every child is different and while you will make mistakes, learning from them is important for you both.
Children are fun, let out your inner child and have fun too.
Hi Linda
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
You have raised very important facts here, I have taken note of them.
I fully agree with you that 10 minutes is close to nothing but the truth remains that most kid hardly ever get just 5 minutes of undivided attention form their parents.
Positive parenting sounds like such a great concept. I like the very feel of it. We are, at times, led by habit to be rude and bossy, because all we do want is the best for our children. But that can be counter-productive. In fact, it most likely would result in low self-confidence and ill feelings in kids.
I love the way the course is designed, to make the relationship better between parents and children. Self-help remedies are great and I think this is a good package.
Hey Aparna
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
You are right for most people parenting equals being bossy. But Positive Parenting solution is the best way to help parents out of this bad.
The concept of positive parenting sounds so intriguing. It’s awesome to have the feel of it in a lifetime. Self-help remedies are helpful when it comes to building a strong bond between parents and children. So, the package is demanding. The act of being bossy and rude is rampant among parents because they want nothing but the best for their kids.
Most times children love to associate with neighbors and friends around just to engage their interests and learn from them. They are eager to help and so we shouldn’t discourage or stop them from doing so.
Hey Lily
Thank you for stopping by the Incredible Boy .
It is a sad reality that we have normalized being bossy and rude to kids as parents and when we are they will certainly distance themselves from us.
I think it’s really difficult to define what is good parenting. Who do you ask, whose advice should you listen to, and won’t a different child respond to a different parenting style?
But your tips and this course would at least give some ideas to parents on some of the psychology involved in raising a child. Whether or not those psychologies can be applied to every child remains to be seen.
Hey Clark
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
There is never a one size fit all solution to all challenges, even in our parenting we should continue to seek our solutions until we find what best suit us. I think Positive Parenting Solutions will certainly share the needed light
My kids are all grown and doing well. I like to think that I did a good job raising them, and I believe I did. I can say that this course would be especially helpful for parents who are, or who are getting divorced. I came up close with the bad parenting practices. It was all about the other parent doing something to upset the whole of the family. We made it thru, and relationships with their father is great now, but it took some doing, with me trying to stay a good parent.
Thank you Leahrae
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible boy and engaging me on Positive Parenting Solutions
Well done to the wonderful work you did as parent continue to inspire others and recommend the course.
Raising children is challenging. We’re never prepared for all the circumstances that are involved. But what we can do is be sensitive to our weaknesses. It’s better to adjust that to believe we’re the perfect parent. If we think we’re the perfect parent, life will slap us in the face and we realized we were not so perfect after all.
Parenting does not come naturally, and you are absolutely correct. Parenting is something that needs to be learned for the sake of the next generation. And I agree with you that we don’t want to raise our children in the same way we were raised. In my case, there were a lot of things I didn’t enjoy during my childhood that I don’t want to see my children go through. After all, things have to be changed for the sake of a good future for our children. That is why I believe it is in my best interests for me to enroll in this course and experience positive effects in my family life.
Excellent article.
Good Morning,
This is a great article and thank you for writing it! My partner and I are expecting and the biggest topic of discussion hasn’t been what crib to get, or which stroller we want. It’s been how we want to raise children and what the best method of discipline, teaching and celebration will be for our child’s development.
I am very interested in the course. We all know that raising kids won’t be perfect, but anything we can do to keep ourselves as prepared as possible.
Parenting is always a constant topic in my neighborhood’s Whatsapp group. Some parents have children with poor upbringing, and the constant social interactions among us always bring up this subject. Unfortunately, some adults do not seem to appreciate the need to practice responsible parenting. Past a certain age, it will be too late to start parenting.
Hello, Thank you for sharing such a good training source about positive parenting with us.
I think support in parenting solutions makes us better parents. And, this course is a good suggestion for new parents. It is great it offers knowledge parenting from the child’s birth. Also, I like this course comes in three levels of membership according to our needs in parenting tips. And, the free webinar according to our time and date is also one thing to evaluate. In this way, every parent can understand better and take the actions to enroll in the course.
I have friends that will become parents soon, and I’ll share this article with them.