Sit down, relax, put your legs up for a change, grab a cup of your favorite drink, you are about to have a good laugh as I share some of the funniest jokes /Memes I found online about raising boys. If you are raising a boy child you will agree with me that it can be such an adventure.
Why Am I Sharing This?
Because for most people parenting turned to be a synonym of stress/responsibility/tension/conflicts and a lot of other negative words. I came here to say, It ought not to be so. A bit of chilling will not harm, so BREATH.
So maybe before we get into the jokes let me say:
You are doing better than you think.
If you are asking, How do you know?
I know because your child is still in one piece, If he wasn’t, you wouldn’t be here reading this article, you will be right behind bars.
Between me and you, you know the number of times you felt like………, So take it from me you are doing well, better than you think, I repeat. Especially because nobody prepared you for this calling, you had to wing it as you go.
And even if you try, you cannot be fully prepared because kids are not the same, you just don’t know a kind of breed that will come your way.NB ( If you still have a chance to prepare , do your best to get some basics right, read, sign up for parenting courses, or find a coach or mentor).
I recommend that you sign up for Positive Parenting Solution course OR Join the Facebook community of mothers raising boys. OR subscribe to Scribd a digital library loaded with awesome books on Parenting and Raising boys. Check my full review on Scribd here. All of the above will still be a great combination
One day my son asked me, Mom did you go to some parenting school? And I said No, why are you asking?
And he said it seems like you always know what to do or what to say to us.
My eyes almost popped, deep within me, I said I wish!
So I know you also might not be feeling like it, but you are crashing it, forget about perfection, there is nothing like a perfect parent, with the above-mentioned resources endeavor to be a better parent today than you were yesterday.
Is It All That Bad?
Hell No
With its next to insanity moments, being a parent, having a privilege to nurture, groom a human being is just one of the most beautiful privileges one can enjoy.
Sometimes I look at my kids and my jaw drops at the thought ‘ Did God trust me this much?’ In my imperfections, He trusted me with a set of real life human beings for me to love, nurture, guide, and groom. For me to create a conducive environment that will enable them to be the best they can ever be, but God!
So this adventure can be bitter and sweet, what sustains us during the bitter days is the sweet memories of the other day.
Can you remember that sweet warm hug?
Can you see that warm smile that says mom you rock?
Can you remember the sweet feeling of just be called dad?
How about I love you, mom?
Or dad you are the best
How about the sweet innocent look, coming with a gentle touch that says you are my world, the best of such happens during breastfeeding moments ( Sorry daddy)
Do you remember how proud you felt when he came out top of the class or performed well in his favorite sport or whatever he is good at?
These sweet memories sustain us when we are on the other side of the wheel.
So well done for remaining sane while juggling parenting and life. I take off my hat for you.
Lets Get Into The True But Funny Part
Oh! yeah! that’s it hope you had some fun. Laughter is truly medicine. I respect the creators of these meme’s , they just knew how to capture our experiences in words while most of us stand dumbfounded. If you have more please share in the comment section below. Enjoy the boy ride.
Final Thoughts
You are doing an amazing and significant job
I am sure when you read some of these meme’s you wondered if there is a secret camera in your house because it is exactly what you are experiencing, and that is to tell you, you are not alone, we are here also, rooting for you, go mommy go, go daddy go. The world needs more of your kind. A kind that will love unconditionally, discipline with grace and love, be in the moment, and enjoy sweet little things
The world needs more of your kind, A kind that protects, guides, and groom with Intention. A kind that is determined to fill the next generation with assets than liabilities of human beings.
A kind that models what he teaches.
A kind that hopes even when odds are against his/her son
A kind that intentionally creates a nurturing environment that will enable the child to blossom without limits
We need more of your kind MOM, More of your kind DAD, don’t give up now, keep loving, keep correcting, give him yet another chance, trust that he will turn around, even if he somehow lost track, he might be deep into drugs, make it your mission to believe in the good within him as long as there is still breath within his lungs.
Oh, this was supposed to be purely about funny memes, not sure how I got there but I believe I needed to get there. If you would like to read more about raising boys to be Incredible Men check this article
If you think you have done all you can, there is still more you can do Check Amy’s positive parenting solutions course she has tips that will take your parenting game to the next level.
Please in the comments section below, add memes I have missed, take a moment and encourage a mom or dad who feels his/her back is against the wall Lets create a community of vibrant Intentional Parents ready to…
Hello there! Thanks for sharing this article. Every parent that has a male child would find this article very exciting to read and helpful too. You were very thoughtful to write such an article, I’m really glad I came across it, thank you. Indeed, raising boys can be such an adventure. They’re already funny even from the womb when they start kicking like professional footballers. It might be stressful but I’m happy I’m involved in the adventure
hi Sophie
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy . I glad you enjoyed the article and that you can relate.Yes raising boys can be funny, right from the womb.
Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it has helped put a smile on my face. Racing a boy is not a days’ job, going through this review is so comforting, i will definitely share this with my wife just to remind her we are doing good. Thanks
hey Phil
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
I am glad the funny jokes about raising boys managed to put a smile on your face, Yes share with your wife , let her gave some fun.
Hello, thank thank you for sharing this interesting article on funny jokes about boys. Truly it’s not an easy task to raise male children. As sweet as they’re, they can be over playful and stubborn too. One has to be patient and understand them . I salute every mother and father out there. You all are doing a great job with raising your kids. Dont give up
Hey Leslie
Thank you for engaging me on funny jokes about raising boys, Lets keep nurturing them to be Incredible Good Men.
I couldn’t help but let out a lot of laughter while reading through this. Though most people may not understand this but actually, for people like us wwho is passing through the phase of raising male kids, we will know definitely that you have said the truth. They do things that are abysmal and then normalizes it. It does seem funny when recounting the takes surely
Hey Darmi
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Raising boys is an adventure full of humour. Im glad you had some good laughter
Honestly it always seems difficult to raise and train up male kids and it becomes a hassle and pain in the back when they are growing up so I would recommend this educating and resourceful blog-post to parents as you have actually explained to us out here on how to go about a stress free adventure training up of male kids. Thank you for putting this.
Hey Joshua
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
Yes please share with other moms , lets spread the laughter as we empower moms and dads our there to raise their boys to be Incredible Men.
This is truly quite an adventure for me to read and in all honesty, I loved the fact that I was able to enjoy this read that you shared. I have a boy myself and I love to take care of him very much so I can really relate to this. In addition, I also have a younger brother that I had to take care of too. Funny jokes here.
Hey Jackie
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. I am glad you enjoyed the read. Wishing you all the best with your son and younger brother.
Very true Bogadi!
A lot of people want to have children because they looks so beautiful and serene in movies, depicting a complete family image. It is, but the process behind it is exhausting, taking care of growing children is a challenge of it’s own, we tend to worry a lot every second of the day and rest is always an issue since they’re so mischievous. When they grow up of course, it’s all worth it
Thank you Riaz for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Raising children is far from the glamour we see in movies it is real work and we must get ourselves prepared for it .
Your post has been very uplifting and I need to forward it to several moms I know. It’s this everyday life with our boys that gives us this sense of acomplishment. When we see them build up. Boys are so independant. But still during this period they are so vulnerable. And we get to shape so many aspects of them. I love it!
Hi Ann
Thanks for Stopping by The Incredible Boy
I am glad you found some Inspiration. We are in the business of raising our boys to be good men and we are taking up this challenge . Thanks for sharing with other moms .
This article felt really special for me because I have a young male child growing up so I take any article on parenting very serious. It just feels like the article was made just for me, they were so hilarious , male children are really more tough to handle than females right from birth to infancy, the difference is clear
Hey Collins
Thanks for Stopping by The Incredible Boy
i am glad you are taking the grooming of your young man very serious . Enjoy the adventure and empower yourself with plenty of parenting material as you can. My number one recommendation is Positive Parenting Solutions Course.
Parenting is what I call “Gods gift”, it comes naturally and we have answers to our children’s questions. This is why they always see the hero in us. My last born is found of it too, he knows how to give my wife accolades after eating, He comes up with “this soup is delicious”, or you hear “delicious vegetable” and lots more from him. Parenting is a gift to us and we must carry out our duties with gratitude
Hi Parameter
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
I like your view on parenting and I fully agree parenting is a gift to us and we must carry it out with gratitude. Oh like your young man.
When I saw your post was about comedy, I said to myself this is right up my alley. I write comedy as well. I love comedy and any funny post that will make me laugh. There is so much BS in the world today, society need more people like us to make the world laugh. No matter if it’s funny jokes, drawing cartoons, or funny paintings, humor is the healing ingredient the ‘heals the soul.’ People walk around bitter all the time, feeling bad about the states current affairs. with more comedy and jokes inserted in our lives, it would make for better daily living.
Hi Kenny
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Humor is no longer a luxury but a need in our society . Lets promote good humor by all means.
I have one daughter, she gave me a run for my money. Maybe that is why I only had one. Both can be challenging. You have you ups and downs but their smile will always bring you in a full circle. they do ask some crazy questions but you have to just love them.
I love the jokes you provided. The one said, “I’m not saying raising boys are harder than girls, but I am saying I burn a lot more calories” That is an understatement, my daughter always wanted her barbie doll and wanted to look pretty. Boys, even though I never raised one, my grandson today, OMG he is only 19 months and he has us both going in circles.
Good job. I laughed today!!!
Hi Alicia
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy. I am glad you found something to laugh about
Being a parent certainly has its ups and downs but one thing is for sure, raising boys and girls is completely different! I’ve got 2 boys and 2 girls in that order. They’re all still young but put it this way- I am far busier with my boys than my girls! Boys are just chaos and if I don’t look and laugh, well, I’d just be crying every day!
Your jokes definitely made me laugh and made me realise I’m not alone in the mad game of raising boys! Thanks for that!
Hey Hollie
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
I am glad somebody get it . Raising boys is a real adventure . Lets enjoy it .
Every child today has a unique story to tell and, like me, they all have their own unique challenges and, like me, they are learning But there is a part of us that still refuses to give in to the demands of society and is forcing us to give them up This is the part of us that is often described as the most selfish of all the mammals When we are made to feel that we were somehow under-powered or under-treated, we are able to easily manipulate our way through the situation until we are too late Society has no place for selfishness nor manipulation; it is a clear show favor and we are told that we have to provide for our family
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
What an entertaining read. I only have girls, but I read the jokes and remembered growing up with three younger brothers, from the toilet humor to the messiness. I hated them then, but now we all get on like a house on fire.
From what I gather, boys are more difficult when they are young, and the girls give you more problems in their teens. I seem to be living with a stranger who used to be my daughter. Does this also happen with boys?
Hey Michel
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
Kids are not the same, I think the stranger aspect is always there both with boys and girls depending on their personality and the relationships in the house.
Thank you for the laughs, as we can do one right now. I think raising boys and girls is both different; they both have their challenges and Joy’s that they bring. I think with boys it is about setting the boundaries early to what is acceptable and what is not. I do not know why so many of these jokes are toilet based humour, case in my experience girls are no better. Renember girls fart as well.
Hahaaaaaa Antonio ‘ Remember Girls Fart Also’
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Wow, this really hit home for me. I got an little man at home, just about to be turning 2 years old. When he first got home from the hospital, it actually was pretty easy, until he started to crawl. Fast forward to know, he is a climber, and a destroyer of all things. I always tell him, “this is why we can’t have nice things” and he just laughs at me.
Hey Robert
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy
Welcome to the boy world . Enjoy the journey.
Well, thanks for sharing this article. Some of the jokes really cracked me and make me laugh so hard, especially the Jurassic Park one. I have two nephews and they really like to annoy each other. At one time, I even need to bring one of them with me going to watch a movie he likes, just because his brother doesn’t want to change the TV channel to his favorite cartoon. Sigh. I guess it will be a nice memory when they finally become adults.
Hey Alblue that will really be a memories to treasure, enjoy them while they last.
Thank you for stopping by The Incredible Boy.
I am glad you found value
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for writing this, very funny I haven’t had a good laugh in a while. My boy is all grown up. Moved out to his own place, yet he spends more time in my house than his own. So I am still putting up with the farts and everything else that goes along with it lol
Thanks for sharing this with us.
While I had two girls, I was reminded of the hugs, them sitting in my knee to watch children’s programs after tea. Their wonderful smiles. They coming to me and saying, mum says you have to …….. And Christmas mornings. They were definitely the highlight of the year. Always so so special, but always such a rush too. Wish I could go back and slow them all down.
I raised two boys. I enjoyed reading the jokes about boys because there is a lot of truth behind the jokes. Thanks for making me laugh today; a little humor does lift one’s mood. Everyone says that boys are easier to raise, maybe because they always do the unexpected. How many boys do you have?
As a mother who raised two boys, there are so many points in this post that resonates with me. Often we do wing it yes, and there is no “school” we can go to to learn good parenting. But being part of a parenting community and reading educational material on parenting, does help.
The jokes and memes had me in absolute stitches. Raising boys is indeed an adventure that I will happily start again.
Thank you for your interesting, funny article on raising boys. Although I’m a male myself I’ve never had the experience of raising boys,. I have however been surrounded by girls most of my life. I had a good laugh reading through your articles because many of the jokes seemed just as relevant to the sisters I grew up with and the daughters and granddaughter that I raised. But then, this could very well have been because of my own influence on them. Jim